Will Strong Jr. yep, employers set the rules. Just like the fbi, no pot smoking and yet they cannot fill crucial job openings in their tech department. Sometimes employers rules screw them. If you turn away talent based on appearance, then you get what you get. Will Strong Jr. yes, that’s what I said. What you do after work for almost any job is none of your employers business. No, they shouldn’t be high at work. That should be obvious, dear gawd why is that not obvious to you Shana Abelli, guys like him get off on being told what to do or telling others what to do. The
Sanderson bed and breakfast children stay free salem ma shirt sheep mentality is forged in the military. He's been indoctrinated to be dominated by the will of authority. He and others like him will stuff it down our throats for life. Tattoos' are not godly. A/ The human body is a Temple of the Holy Ghost; therefore any form of marking it permanently is not the right of the Soul that has it on loan, B/ Rembrandts' belong on Canvas and C/ A Tattoo is a reflection of the person who bears it that their intellect is a little wanting... Be that as it may; A/ Before you tear strips of me for my opinion - bear in mind that in the "Old Testament" a tattoo was a sin, B/ Although you may want to curse me for my opinion - why would you desecrate a good body on loan to you from God and C What's wrong with putting a great work of art/expression on canvas? Or for that matter, paper, cardboard, motor vehicle, Harley fuel tank, Jap bike fuel tank, Panel Van, side of a building or for that matter spending the same amount of money on a great treat for your loved ones' or for yourself - other than to paint an indelible image on yourself that will fade, grow wrinkly and unattractive with age, and mark yourself permanently.

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