It’s hard to hear the truth ,but yes we did this ,we destroyed our beautiful earth ,to life in comfort without thinking what we are going to leave for the
In the world where you can be anything Turtle be kind shirt generation ,,it’s not to late to start cleaning up,if one man in India planted a whole forest ,so can we. oh FFS Joshua Jethroh....a lion and a whale don't give a damn? I've never read anything so ridiculous in all my life. They are the ones suffering from man's desire to kill, man's desire to make more money, man's desire to control. Man has a lot to answer for, especially those who are in government and those who break the law. If we all look to ourselves and make the smallest difference to this world of ours, at least it helps. Do you pick up rubbish on the beach? Have you ever rescued an animal in distress because they are caught up in trash that MAN has glibly thrown away. To say that all we have is NOW is typical of selfish mankind, a club to which you obviously belong. Theirs, yours, it’s our generation, all of us, we’re them....the apology is going out to those who have yet to be; where the apology begins. Those that will not know how beautiful and wonderful our natural resources were, will only read about it, seeing only pictures. No matter how hard I try, I’m sorry I didn’t do better ~ Namaste.
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In the world where you can be anything Turtle be kind shirt
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