Liars. Blotus is the one lying to us. Wake up. I will never understand how seemingly intelligent people believe this low life grifter, who only cares about himself. He conspired with Russians to steal the
Flamingos it’s ok to be different Autism Awareness shirt. I cannot wait until 45’s administration is history that we look back on as the time when people were hypnotized by a con man without any morals, values character or class. William Bush If you define your life as to how many "friends" you have on FB --- that is sad. I actually talk and interact with REAL people and am very selective as to who I will consider a friend. It's certainly not someone you barely see or speak with on a computer. I think conservatives should start suing colleges all across the country for hostile learning environments. People don't pay $40-$50k a year to have to walk around scared to death someone might find out and attack them for their political and personal beliefs. I believe this goes for workplace as well. We don't have to put up with this at all. Start suing them. There is something that President Trump has in common with President Lincoln. Neither of them would/will allow the destruction of the United States. Both of them would/will preserve the Nation at any cost. The preservation of the United States is/was the most important goal that each had. This is the noblest cause any President can have.
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Flamingos it’s ok to be different Autism Awareness shirt
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