Thứ Tư, 22 tháng 8, 2018

Accept adapt advocate pineapple shirt

Freedom of speech means people can speak out against you. But we see that they are punished severely for being so free thinking that loyalty to the American People is more important than loyalty to one man. You are a disgrace to the office, abuse your power and use our treasury as a slush fund. These so called reporters are now becoming, nothing more than paid activists for the left. News commentators in the past reported the news and very rarely gave their opinions. This changed during the Viet Nam war. At the end of their broadcast they sometimes gave their view on the subject at hand. Today most news commentators take their opinion and present it as the news. If there is news that does not fix the narrative of the Accept adapt advocate pineapple shirt they either change it or most often ignore it. Journalism is dead in America. A couple of reporters brought down Richard Nixon in the 1970s. They did it through hard work and investigated journalism. Today too many on the so called journalist want to take the easy way out and do not do the proper research to legitimize a story. They rush to publish and when they are wrong they bury it. The biggest cry from the left is about Fox news being a spokes network for Donald Trump. There is no doubt that the two biggest names on Fox are pro Trump. They admit it. They are open about their political opinions. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and NBC are not open about their bias against the right. They continue to expand their coverage of anything that can be harmful to republicans while minimizing anything positive. This makes them FAKE NEWS.

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