I took a collared shirt into a tattoo shop when I got one of mine, and told them to keep it an inch below the
Princess Mononoke to see with eyes unclouded shirt. It's not that complicated, I may not judge people based on tattoos but a future employer could, why limit your employment options. It's not that tough, and clearly if people read through the comments in this thread they would realize this isn't some prior-generation stigma, so plan ahead. If you want workers then yes you have to deal with it. Having regulations and rules like with profanity, gang signs, violence, etc. I get that but to say employers shouldn’t adjust is bs. Without employees a business is what exactly?? Nothing Joshua Lewis, just because you have tattoos, does not mean an employer has to accept them. I think you need to reread what I said. I do not care if you have tattoos. However, an employer may. Also, people getting body piercings and tattoos on places where the employer may find it to be unprofessional. People who decide to do those things may want think about how it can affect their job prospects. What seems to be the theme on this thread is because most of the people in society has tattoos, you need to accept the fact I have a tattoo, no matter where it is on my body. You can believe that all you want, however that is not reality. I was in the military and you can’t have tattoos on certain parts of your body, if you think you will join their ranks.

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Princess Mononoke to see with eyes unclouded shirt
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