Thứ Sáu, 3 tháng 8, 2018

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Mental illness is a real thing, she could have been horribly depressed from her boyfriend dying, and the probable postpartum depression would have made it even worse. You can't take care of a baby when you're too depressed to even take care of yourself, especially when you're 18 with next to no money and possibly no support from family. To those judging this young woman's decision, or any woman in her position. Just stop it. I was 16 and pregnant and had lived a very sheltered life until then. I relinquished my daughter for adoption after spending 6 wonderful days with her in hospital. It was the Vet Bod like dad bod but with more knee pain shirt difficult decision I ever made, and remains so to this day, and I am 50 now, and have had my share of difficult decision-making. It is a selfless and self-aware choice a mother makes to allow someone else the privilege of raising her child, when she knows she cannot provide for her. Those of you who believe that "all a baby needs is the love of her mother" are foolish. My daughter returned to me when she was 19 and has blessed me with 2 beautiful grandchildren since then. I am one of the fortunate ones. Some birth moms never see their children again and I know from missing my daughter for 19 years that that is an ache that never goes away. So if adoption isn't for you, that's Ok, but don't think for a single second that adoption is a birth mom's "easy way out". Have you walked a mile in her shoes? No? Then kindly shut your damn mouth.

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