Who cares!! Try raising a special needs child , lEaster seals 3 days aweek for 5 years go back to school and work. Then have 2 other young kids at home oh yeah single parent. Super moms don't need to have copious amounts of kids . Super moms are everyday moms doing the Jeep girl classy sassy and a bit smart assy shirt they can . I don't know why people who choose to have a lot of kids by choice are considered. Super ? Maybe in one aspect of their life!! Sorry but when I had kids I raised them not their siblings. Want To say think you to this amazing family. It is with a very broken heart to say that we are a Gold Star family. My husband and I had one child together who was 5 at the time and it makes me so happy to see what your amazing family is doing. God bless you all. Thank you. Oh I know why I'm tired and I have 3 . Because I'm a single mom , I work over 40hours a week and I get very little breaks. I cook and clean every day and I still have to uber kids to every activity camp summer job. So yeah give me some money I'd stay home and plant flowers. ts a bullshit excuse, I'm sorry. Her late husband's family should have gotten that child. She wasn't terminally ill and dying and physically unable to care for him, she wasnt homeless.. She just gave up after her man died and didnt want the responsibility, plain and simple. If she can go see him all the time then shes fine to be his mother. I wouldnt let her come see him after giving him to me. She needs to grow up. She made up her mind already. That child needed his mother she didnt even try. Smh. I got preg at 18 too! My sons father left me. We were poor. I didnt give my son up. I grew up and did what I had to do. This is just MY OPINION. I saw nothing in her message to him that suggests she couldn't take care of him. She looks fine to me. That was her choice. But thats just what I feel.
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