Tiffany Chmielewski when I was kid I was attacked, my face and hands were bleeding, he barely missed my eye, I had to be taken to the
Rock paper scissors throat punch I win shirt and get stitchess. We had 3 massive pitbulls, but I wasn't attacked by them, I was attacked by a German Shepherd. A breed people claim to be the best life saving dog. I was also attacked and had huge bite marks on my arm, but again not by my dogs, by a chow, another 'gentle' breed. The only thing I ever received from those large pitbulls was love and protection. They protected my sisters and I. Watched over us while we played during the day, and slept at the foot of our beds protecting us at night. Any dog has the capacity for violence. But I'm more likely to trust a pitbull than any human. Especially someone like you who advocates for the genocide of an entire breed. I have had dogs all my life! Have never been bitten or had 1 attack anyone. Ive had bullmastiffs.. red healers and many other breeds. But have always been wary and tought my kids to respect the dogs space and never touch a dog feeding or 1 u dont know. Our dogs get lots of love.. sleeping on our bed etc. But i believe u should never let your guard fully down. No matter what breed. The most gentlelest dog can snap. I know a lot of you wont believe it. But u should always make sure that your dog knows who is leader of the pack. You. Not by beating but just with disapline. Tiffany may have good reason for not trusting dogs, you all dont know her life story. I guess im saying just except that not everyone has the same thoughts and except all posts. But most of all love your dogs. Luv seeing pics of all beautiful dogs.
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Rock paper scissors throat punch I win shirt
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