Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 12, 2018

Stitch Touch me and I will bite you shirt

I wish you could see how they system is playing you that's what happens when one side controls congress the other the Stitch Touch me and I will bite you shirt. Josh DuBose according to Senate Democrats. Did you miss the part about the precedent set during Reagan where essential personnel are exempt. And law enforcement and national security fall in that catagory. Make America great again if this is the way to greatness I would eat my own shit for a week haha and I would do it on fox news to Go read the bills they indroduced. Even during the Obama era. But u would rather just hate. So much hate from the far right. Start by asking do you think two world wars in 100 years is normal wars that for 100 years have been in exactly the same places while America or the u.k. has never been invaded. Jay Feeley if you believe one is there and you claim you built one maybe you can build in the other three states without pay like other agencies are right now. Harvey Harris How about some money for healthcare , the Vets, infrastructure. Need more of a effort on border security and not wasting money on a Stupid wall. Josh DuBose why don't you sponsor a few immigrants and take them to your house. The smart people prefer to take care of our VETS first and hungry Americans first.

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