Thứ Hai, 10 tháng 12, 2018

Pikachu and Deadpool fusion dance Pikapool shirt

245 times he said that he either couldn't recall or couldn't remember something. That's 245 lies. He could recall just fine and he could remember just fine - he just didn't want to share what he knew because he knew it would make himself look bad. You’re exactly right mr President. One doesn’t refuse to answer that many questions unless there are illegal activities going on. Shut the fbi and cia down until all illegal activities are transparent. these people just about had this country taken over and most still don't realize it because the Pikachu and Deadpool fusion dance Pikapool shirt media want show it and if these criminals don't stop trump they all will go to prison were they belong. The GOP has never fought for anything but themselves. They have had 2 years to get a wall done and have done nothing but obstruct, hide an ridicule. This is nothing but a show not worth voting any more. President Bone Spur." Oh, how clever. Even after over two years of investigation and the only evidence found has been against Democrats.

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