Thứ Năm, 20 tháng 12, 2018

Only Judy can judge me sunset shirt

David Bernstein the Only Judy can judge me sunset shirt system is supposed to serve justice, not go looking for a crime, any crime, to justify their status, there has not been a crime committed to which a special counsel was appointed, it was a faux dossier that was presented to a fisa judge, about a possible collusion between Trump campaign and Russia, which is not a crime, and still there has been no sniff of a crime from this dossier, which HC paid this is a crime a British spy to produce! The associates have been trolled by Mueller on matters unrelated to Trump hence the witch hunt debacle. The new AG will do a wonderful job in throwing out the fake witch hunt against Trump. Stop this madness and help America become strong. GEORGE SOROS and his team of globalists in America will be crushed.Every American should be worried more and more and asking why has a bedrock tenet of the American Experiment come under assault. I am not referencing the anti-gun argument as that will never win it but in this article a successful national columnist argues on about overrepresentation. This new paradigm espoused by Liberals to attack the very foundation of the US Constitution and our American way goes to the dead-center bullseye of the foundation of the USA: equal representation. Here is why.

Buy it: Only Judy can judge me sunset shirt

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