Thứ Năm, 20 tháng 12, 2018

Kinda have Baby Fever kinda think I have too many kids already shirt

Those now arguing that the Kinda have Baby Fever kinda think I have too many kids already shirt Senate should be based on population demographics deliberately delete the truth that equal representation = rule of law and a counter to "mob rule." It is about ensuring that every voice counts and central to the American ethos of citizenship. When a columnist argues that the US Senate should be based on population instead of Constitutional basics of equal representation then we are headed to becoming a "warlord" nation ruled by mobs and the gun versus the ballot box of civilized Americans. To each his own with the biggest gun. Questions for the Liberals who are positing this idea for the 2020 Presidential campaign. What if that mentality applied to blacks? Meaning, what if mob rule = what the mob said for blacks versus rule of law and Constitutional rights? The Dred Scott case in American history was about how precedent can be set with using the backing of mob rule mentality so did that make it Constitutional? No, this land eventually fought our Civil War to make way for personhood of blacks and to affirm that they are Americans deserving of equal representation. Fast forward to 2018-what if all non-black Americans wanted to put blacks in a 2nd-class citizen category? What then? It would be immoral but more importantly for the USA it would be un-Constitutional because it would run counter to the definition of citizenship and subsequent rights that follow.

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