Thứ Tư, 5 tháng 12, 2018

Oklahoma Sooners Go ahead and Penalize me shirt

Here we go with another mommy shaming article. You're wrong if don't vaccinate or you're wrong if you do vaccinate. Stop falling for these miss leading articles people. Stop fighting amongst one another. Mind your own business and raise your family as you see fit. My husband and I mind our own business. We don't discuss with anyone about how we choose to raise our boys. It's no one's business whether we vaccinate or not. The Oklahoma Sooners Go ahead and Penalize me shirt people we share that info with is their pediatrician and the school. I wish people would just worry about what's going on in their homes and stop looking through the windows of their neighbors home. How come as parents with out most precious baby we have to just accept this 100 year old medicine, how many medicine from over 100 years ago is still being used daily as the primary and leading cause of disease prevention outside of sterilization. The pharmaceuticals Indiana's found guilt of having unpresentied amounts of mercury in their injects at the turn of the THIS century which left many child presenting with "autism" symptoms which was actually heavy metal poisoning. I think science as a whole has evolved and so do these injections, the need to be cleaner with less fillers and additives. The flue shot last year was in 35% effective. The current measles vaccine is shown to actually increase risk of catching measles by 4xs. The nasal flu spray was shown to never work....we as parent need to stand beside each other and demand better and more. Fun fact the medical community has remained polio cases.. many cases if meningitis outbreaks have you seen on college campuses across the country in WELL Vaccines populations?? This data falling also need to stop, we need to demand vaccine purity and transparency TODAY.

Buy it: Oklahoma Sooners Go ahead and Penalize me shirt

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