Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 12, 2018

Evil Dead shirt

That's ok, Dems aren't giving you money for an outdated wall Mexico is paying for. Trump had 2 years of Republican House and Senate to get it done. Not happening now. President Trump is determined to protect the Evil Dead shirt people despite Pelosi and Schumer's efforts to put foreigners before before the American people., God Bless our President, say no to Socialism, No to the NWO and No to the heathen democrats. I voted for a "big beautiful wall" paid for by MEXICO! No This is NOT what I voted for. How any filled potholes and broken bridges would $5 Billion buy? How many AMERICANS would that employ? And now he wants us to pony up? Nah I'm good. You might be a CONMAN but I'm not your mark. Not gonna EXTORT me. You got me as a sucker once, never again.  is the result of Trump once again taking his marching orders from the right wing loony talking heads on TV. The Dems and GOP passed a Bill to her CR until Feb that Trump agreed to but because the right called him a coward he, like an immature child, blew up the deal instead of standing his ground. He is not a leader, as demonstrated in every thing he has done. He gives in like in the surrender and retreat from Syria. next you hear is all invaders are released, next you hear they want us out us USA and all you see is 3rd world country we have turned into , even city official web pages and social media pages write in spanish ONLY in some cases lol what a joke. Merry Christmas all, specially cortez alike people.

Buy it: Evil Dead shirt

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