Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 11, 2018

Groot hugs Kansas City Chiefs shirt

Dusty Remington. The Groot hugs Kansas City Chiefs shirt is racist because snow is white? That has got to be the dumbest remark I have read on social media today and that is saying something. Congratulations on being a complete and utter moron. The word ‘Nippon’ represents the constitutional monarchy occupying the Japanese archipelago. Has nothing to do with initials. Sorry.  I must not be old enough cause NIP means new in package to me. Why does everything have to be racist. I still don’t know what nip means other than what I put. Chisala Chisenga How can 3 random letters be offensive when there was no intent involved? I don’t know how these people make it through an entire day if 3 letters offend them. They remind me of people who are losing control of their lives, so they nit pick at other people's lives to ensure they have a sense of control still. I think NIP is some kind of slur the us soldiers used to describe the Japanese troops during the war. there is a war biography movie i saw were that word was used to describe Japanese troops by the U.S army men.

Buy it: Groot hugs Kansas City Chiefs shirt

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