Thứ Tư, 21 tháng 11, 2018

Dasher dancer prancer vixen tequila rum vodka and whiskey shirt

Frank S Graziano Jr Took over 10 years to find Bin Laden? Sounds more like we had a sleeper in the oval office. One of them infiltrated and got to the top. Thank God for the Dasher dancer prancer vixen tequila rum vodka and whiskey shirt term limit. Brad Telehey lies? Proven orange guy most prolific lying prez of all time. Oh like the lie that there was gonna be a pre mid term tax cut. Don’t remember obama promising a tax cut and not delivering. Oh how about “I’m gonna build that wall. For an EX president to degrade the acting president the way Obama is doing, regardless of political views, is a disgrace to this country. No president before has acted like a child the way Obama is. Free speech or not, he needs to shut his mouth. The majority spoke when Americans elected a Republican to supersede Obama. He is just being a sore loser, and only other losers applaud that kind of behavior.

Buy it: Dasher dancer prancer vixen tequila rum vodka and whiskey shirt

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