Thứ Tư, 21 tháng 11, 2018

Freddie Purrcury don’t stop meow hoodie

All hail Mr O the king of nothingness! Obama was a joke as a President, and and even bigger joke as a past President. It was had to dislodge Carter as the Freddie Purrcury don’t stop meow hoodie President, but Mr O answered the call. Carole Mellin Al the earth whisperer Gor has preached about rising seas swallowing up the coasts for 20 years now!! & only donating to him will save the earth. Then big Al buys 36 million dollar home on a Malibu beach. & you are here preaching climate hoax?  For an EX president to degrade the acting president the way Obama is doing, regardless of political views, is a disgrace to this country. No president before has acted like a child the way Obama is. Free speech or not, he needs to shut his mouth. The majority spoke when Americans elected a Republican to supersede Obama. He is just being a sore loser, and only other losers applaud that kind of behavior.

Buy it: Freddie Purrcury don’t stop meow hoodie

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