Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 11, 2018

Adorable Stan Lee and Marvel Super Heroes thanks for memories 1922 – 2018 shirt

Fighting in countries unwilling to change We can't push our western values on people who have been living the Adorable Stan Lee and Marvel Super Heroes thanks for memories 1922 – 2018 shirt way for thousands of years..A waste of American lives and tax payer money could be going to much better use. Barbara Drews I never said that there was. You don't know anything about the longest war the us has ever fought in do you and yet I've no doubt that you would claim to support the troops, with no idea what they're actually doing  people like you are a dictator's wet dream. We should have left years ago But then if we had Al Gore instead of  we also would have never invaded Iraq ..Certain people always vote for morons We got trapped in the longest war in US history and lost thousands of lives Many times over we did on 9/11. General Motors just announced they are closing four large plants across the US and laying off 15,000 white collar and factory workers. President Obama saved the auto industry in the depths of the worst recession; now, Trump's stupid trade war is sending America's most iconic industry to an early death. Does this feel like winning yet?

Buy it: Adorable Stan Lee and Marvel Super Heroes thanks for memories 1922 – 2018 shirt

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