Thứ Năm, 22 tháng 11, 2018

Black Pitbull in a pocket shirt

David West how will you know because of the Black Pitbull in a pocket shirt your savior and leader put in? With his tweets, lying, give-a-ways to the rich, and, and lack of a healthcare bill, how would you know who to blame. You are not making sense. David West David dumbass. Gary Cohn resigned because of trumps tariffs. He knew Trump is an idiot as does anyone that has a brain. Carol Abbott Angie Moore um lib, the market went up the day after trump was elected. The market knows the Libtards will try and screw up the economy. David West: Don't you have an original response for comments? All you do is copy and paste the same moronic response over and over. Face it, dear leader's policies were bound to have negative consequences.

Buy it: Black Pitbull in a pocket shirt

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