Thứ Hai, 12 tháng 11, 2018

Buckle up buttercup you just flipped my Grinch Switch shirt

Republicons love outsourcing they will just use this win fall off our backbones for more Automation like those self checkout lines & buy back shares in their Companies this scam has been perpetrated on the Buckle up buttercup you just flipped my Grinch Switch shirt people every time they get in office even more jobs are going to end up in Beijing every Republicon has put us in a recession this is just insane this will be the biggest disaster in history to America unbelievable people are falling for this . Brian Littlejohn is right!! You guys need to make republicans specify when they are referring to middle class what income bracket they are reffering to. Middle class is a broad term. If you are under 100k as a family you lower middle class. They are not for you.

Buy it: Buckle up buttercup you just flipped my Grinch Switch shirt

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