Thứ Hai, 12 tháng 11, 2018

Grinch You smell like drama please get away from me shirt

Walter Strauhal when was the Grinch You smell like drama please get away from me shirt time trickle down economics worked. Oh yeah never. Bush’s trickle down economics was the worst thing. This bill is set to give Trump and his family a billion dollar tax break. My family will pay more. My daughter who worked her butt off to get a scholarship will now be taxed on that as well as any other money she receives for school. Middle and lower economic class grads will not be able to attend college again causing even a greater separation in the upper and middle/ lower class. Wealthy will get child tax credit but middle class will loose most deductions? How does that seem smart for the economy? Health care reform will leave millions without health care and who will pay we will when they show up at emergency rooms and our prices go up with our insurance and cost of care. Americans need to be smarter. Drain the swamp every last one out term limits on all positions in senate and congress and don’t pay them when they leave they can go back and make their own livings just like we would have to if we lost our job.

Buy it: Grinch You smell like drama please get away from me shirt

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