Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 11, 2018

Groot hugs Chicago Bears shirt

Stevie Wright or ravaging around and shitting in your campsite. Alot of folks have absolutely no respect. I'll just start letting my kids ride their bikes thru theirs and maybe pee on their firepit. I actually had not read the Groot hugs Chicago Bears shirt. This person is correct! It's not only rude, it's disrespectful to real service animals and the people who need them! What I was referring to was the 4 or 5 times in the last 20 years that a person on a trail has cursed me for letting my incredibly sweet dogs run free. in response to the person who says dogs are rude, how about all the parents out there who think it’s OK to let their kids run at random, screaming their heads off while “playing“ while it sounds like someone’s murdering them. No, we ask our dogs not to bark and to keep quiet but it’s OK for your kids to scream and ruin our peace and quiet?! I speak up and say something, and so should you if you see a pet owner being rude and disrespectful. Perspective.

Buy it: Groot hugs Chicago Bears shirt

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