Thứ Hai, 19 tháng 11, 2018

Freddie Purrcury don’t stop meow shirt

 Hey I'm a silly girl but I've been coming to the Freddie Purrcury don’t stop meow shirt Shore since I was 3 I've helped help you with taxes by running places by owning places and I really do love the beach so thank you jerseyites for letting me come on your Beach by the way I'm 79 years old. I left Jersey for 3 yrs, and came back. May be more expensive to live here but trust me it's a trade off for some of rules and regs of other states. Each state has it's own problems.  Wawa there sandwiches are so good. Even though I'm not from new jersey but I've visited there and only live there for a month a half. So Wawa has the best sandwiches. I love the ignorance and speaking your mind. There's no place like Dirty Jersey!!! My happiest moments is crossing the bridge from the hell hole also named Pennsylvania and the other backwards state Delaware.

Buy it: Freddie Purrcury don’t stop meow shirt

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