Thứ Tư, 5 tháng 9, 2018

Snoopy great pumpkin believer since 1966 shirt

These children and their families may be powerless right now, but we are not. America and the world are holding their breath waiting for a leader that they can rally behind to stop the madness. I believe in my heart of hearts that you are that leader. The women of the world will raise their voices with you. Together we can put an end to this madness and start building the kind of world that our children will be grateful for. I am amazed by the Snoopy great pumpkin believer since 1966 shirt heartlessness coming from Americans particularly the WOMEN. Sad, Evil. Thanks Oprah Winfrey we need to discuss this. We need solutions. This is wrong on so many levels. Depression is on the rise due to this kind of behavior. This is not America being Great. Thank you Oprah, I will definitely be watching. I hope to see accessible outlets for helping the children being highlighted on CBS tomorrow morning. It broke my heart when I heard a pediatrician warning of the psychological trauma bring inflicted on innocent children - I'll be following CBS and your channel for more on the issue.  And Japanese internment camps are shameful reminders of government authorities separating children from their parents. Why are we continuing that practice today on our borders? Have we learned nothing from history? I’m sick to my stomach.

Buy it here: Snoopy great pumpkin believer since 1966 shirt

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