Thứ Hai, 24 tháng 9, 2018

There this boy he kinda stole my heart he calls me Auntie shirt

Kaila Mercado-Gilmore no service animal would ever respond like that to their handler. i don’t assume things because how could i since i have an invisibile disability but I’ve never seen a service animal straight up put on the There this boy he kinda stole my heart he calls me Auntie shirt and try and get away from its handler cuz of an escalator. Kaila Mercado-Gilmore service dogs are desensitize to almost everything. And the things they might not be, they trust their handler to make the decision. Service dogs have gone through so much extensive training that reaction is unacceptable. Because if they would do this, then you are inviting the dog to run the show. As a service dog, they cannot do that because it can easily start to undo their training. As someone with a service dog, he has to be on his A game while being in public. If he isn’t comfortable with something, he would not put a fight like this. He trusts me to get through it.

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