Thứ Tư, 19 tháng 9, 2018

Jack Skellington yin yang dancing nightmare shirt

I remember hanging clothes on the Jack Skellington yin yang dancing nightmare shirt for my mother and when you would bring them in or they smell so good nothing like that going to bed at night on some clean sheets that had blown in the air on from the outside. Yep I’m 31 and I remember using a clothes line, then we eventually got a dryer, can’t remember if we still used the clothesline after that or not, still remember doing dishes by hand as a kid, one would wash, the other would dry and put away, then we got a dishwasher. Sometimes have to gather from the neighbors yard!! But, OH! Do they smell good . Especially the sheets . Tumble the towels a bit as the aren't nice and soft. Clothes surely last longer! All the lint in the dryer trap. Never stopped, my line was full yesterday and will be again today. The smell of fresh sheets off the line, and the crispness of the towels and face-cloths you never forget the smell. Of course your clothing had to be lined perfectly from largest to smallest. The things we were taught in the 50/60s, still some are great, drying your clothes on the line spares on electricity and the wear and tear on your machine.

Buy it: Jack Skellington yin yang dancing nightmare shirt

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