Thứ Hai, 24 tháng 9, 2018

Hogwarts wasn’t hiring so I teach Muggles instead shirt

 Also, do you honestly think those people that surrounded the Hogwarts wasn’t hiring so I teach Muggles instead shirt and his dog would have had those smiles if they hadn't seen that precious moment!! I don't think soooo!! They all enjoyed the moment, and you people here SHOULD too.  I have a service dog and she got her paw torn on an escalator. never again. This was dumb on my part even though she had done it before and was fine but accidents happen. never again will she go on one. Also... don’t quite understand why everyone thinks its okay to bring pets to the mall. I'm not sure why you're assuming the dog in the video isn't a service dog. It definitely could be one without a vest on. We get it, you have a service dog because you have an illness, but try not to judge people before knowing their side! I agree that some people are irresponsible with their pets. There's always a line.

Buy it: Hogwarts wasn’t hiring so I teach Muggles instead shirt

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