Thứ Năm, 20 tháng 9, 2018

All I want for Christmas is my grandkids shirt

Yes, you can tell this cat is being abused by the noises he is making. Clearly he is crying in cat Morse code that someone needs to call the All I want for Christmas is my grandkids shirt. Please note: this is a sarcastic comment. Since you cannot read my tone of voice or deadpan facial expression, I have decided to add this disclaimer. Please do not take any of the offences, as no one gives any of the ckses. Anthony Lasso, the cat loved being sprayed. I hope you don’t avoid showering because you’re afraid it’s abuse and could drown you. Diane Snavely a lot of people don't use toilet paper and use water to clean themself...not creepy at all....compaired to using toilet paper it's a lot more sanitary to clean your ass with water. Layla Misallati It’s a wash room. So....I guess it could be to wash ones head or arse, or even a silly cat. I’d like to have one... the hose and the cat, actually.

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