Thứ Hai, 24 tháng 9, 2018

Penguin You can be whatever you want to be shirt

Sandra K Hall along with what Leila Farahani said, many handlers use dog booties for different situations. Tulip had winter booties to protect from ice and salt and summer boots for too hot pavement. This one particular day I didn’t have her boots on her. I know other handlers that follow that same logic of having gear for every occasion. SDITs should never be coaxed the Penguin You can be whatever you want to be shirt this owner in the video did which is yet another reason i don’t believe its an SDIT of SD because real handlers don’t act like that. Personally i wouldn't take my dog shopping unless ofcourse a service dog and i had no other I'll take my dogs to dog friendly pubs, fields, parks and beaches most definitely because I know it's what they'll enjoy more.  Sigh....Service dogs are medical equpment....yes....My Willy is my lifeline....but they are also living creatures....yes, he was trained to use an I will not subject him to the possibility of his furry feet being caught in one. Were he my cane or walker....I wouldn't care, so there IS a difference between a living creature, trained or not, and a piece of medical equipment. True, my cane would not pull this stunt and an animal trained to ride one PROBABLY would not either......but then my cane is not a part of nature with fear based instincts for survival that override training. You were trained to drive a car....driven across many railroad tracks, I'm sure.

Buy it: Penguin You can be whatever you want to be shirt

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