I need my Mom lots of time and I really wish I could sit and talk some things out with her. I need her to help me figure life out. I need to know why family does not treat you like family anymore are they too good for meMyself deaf disabled always love so close miss love my real mum said special first daughter of me make tears, because mum her queens of heart help me shared everything, but I have 6 stepsister and one stepbrother
Official blessed by god spoiled by my husband protected by both shirt really support to me. just my 3 kid and 5 grandchildren lovely. I can't hear wish hear what my mum saying to me how I feel. My mum died was her 61 in 2005 mean i was my age 42 now 55, but my stepdad died 2006 gone with my mum. I know i feel my mum and dad miss love watching over to us.
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Official blessed by god spoiled by my husband protected by both shirt
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