Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 7, 2018

5’2 but my attitude 6’1 shirt

Billy Graham did proud to God and he will certainly be missed on this earth but will never be forgotten! He is now in a better place with God the 5’2 but my attitude 6’1 shirt God will come again and I don’t believe he is real proud of. disrespect and sinfulness in our world! I recently put a song from my heart on YouTube. Simply search Kathy Flock and view music video till end. This song is about what would God see if he showed up on earth and what we can all do to make the world a better place!! God bless My sister Saihlupuii Sailo is now in heaven with Billy Graham. Two days before her death, she said the love of Jesus Christ is overwhelming and that she misses Billy Graham. She died 3 days back on 3rd March 2018. I will miss her forever but knowing that she is in a better place makes it a little easy to bear the pain. Love you always my little sister. When you are prepared to die, you are then prepared to live! Thank you Billy Graham. You communicated that the message of Jesus Christ, and the Cross are so simple to understand that no living soul should miss its importance. The only way you can miss salvation through Jesus and the cross, is by choosing to have faith in your own understanding.

Buy it: 5’2 but my attitude 6’1 shirt

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