Thứ Năm, 6 tháng 9, 2018

Yes I’m single you’ll have to be amazing to change that shirt

 Americans are resisting your attempted coup to establish a dictatorship subordinated to Russia. The majority of the American people did not vote for you. You had to cheat to get into the White House, but your lies and unfitness for office are being proved every single time you open your mouth. Haters are just Haters & they should stop using this page to let their steam out & focus on making your own life better. May the Power of Goodness Bless & Protect our U.S. President Trump. Democrats are resisting the will of the American people. Keep making America great again president Trump. The American people appreciate it. You are not the Yes I’m single you’ll have to be amazing to change that shirt of the American people. Even with Putin jacking our elections, the majority of us didn't vote for you. Your poll numbers can't crack the mid thirties. We hate you. 71% of is us don't want your SC nomine. You don't care about our will, just Putin's. The person undermining our democracy is you... you attack and under the DOJ, you attack and under the intelligence community , you think they are supposed to protect you... wrong their first duty is to the country... they are not your personal hit squad... you are not a team player by not working across party lines... you hateful rhetoric is dividing this country like never before

Buy it here: Yes I’m single you’ll have to be amazing to change that shirt

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