Thứ Tư, 12 tháng 9, 2018

When God created Norwegians shirt

hank you for being the mom/nana you NEVER HAD TO BE BUT CHOSE TO BE! I know I’m hard headed and impossible to deal sometimes thanks for always being by my side... sometimes taking breaks but never ever leaving those two feet step behind me! I’ll forever be grateful to you! I love you! Thanks Doc Lee. I"m deeply overwhelmed by the When God created Norwegians shirt words coming from you. It is a good music to my ear. I really appreciate it. With you, you're such a good may not be perfect but you never give me heartaches. To my own simple yet dedicated mother and soft spoken..I miss you. I want to scoop this baby up and bring him home with me. Life is so hard and he deserves to be loved. I hope this man's intentions are pure and good. Sending you good vibes young soul.

Buy it: When God created Norwegians shirt

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