Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 10, 2018

Disney Mickey Mouse Always Dream Catcher shirt

I did not name call Cheryl Howard, just stating facts. The Disney Mickey Mouse Always Dream Catcher shirt representatives have done little and have proposed to do little to serve the American people. If you can explain to me how cutting off lowest income people from Medicaid, making it hard for middle class working people to obtain and access affordable insurance, all while giving themselves and the wealthy millions in tax cuts isn't evil, I'd love to hear it. If you can explain to me how giving additional massive tax breaks to the rich, supporting an ignoramus like Trump while he golfs and stays at his own resorts draining millions from the secret service that goes directly to the Trump empire, isn't foolish...again, I'd love an explanation.  I would love to hear how buffoonary is not the best label for gop representives who aided in confirming the most grotesquely unqualified administration in perhaps all of US history. And liberals always lose the conversation, genius. Not loose. But to respond, one can say conservatives always loose when they refuse to respond to facts and data with actual facts. They further loose when they continually get duped into voting against their obvious best interests.

Buy it: Disney Mickey Mouse Always Dream Catcher shirt

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