Thứ Năm, 25 tháng 10, 2018

Wonder resist honor explore rebel imagine work slay defend shirt

Of course he’s going to continue lying and doing more as time goes on. His sheeple eat it up, not bright enough to tell the Wonder resist honor explore rebel imagine work slay defend shirt between the truth and Trumps outright lies. How has the US educational system fallen so far. everyone needs to turn the heat down including the media it was the worst I seen on CCN today attacking trump 90% of their air time and their tune when asking questions or talking of trump is done in angry tunes  lets bring the news reporting back to the old CNN days and the media be the driving force to get everyone to notch it down and not pit one side against the other. Cynical Nuisance Network is still toting their one trick pony of President Trump hate propaganda. One would think people would notice the absence of anything positive in this network.

Buy it: Wonder resist honor explore rebel imagine work slay defend shirt

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