Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 10, 2018

Christmas Thanos Half of you are on my Naughty list shirt

Wendy Moira Angela Darling , can you please cite the Christmas Thanos Half of you are on my Naughty list shirt of your data about what people prefer to be called? Thanks. I’m part of the psychiatric survivor movement, and most folks I’ve known in the movement over the past 30 years reject their diagnoses. Wendy Moira Angela Darling thank you, I didn't know that. I was taught just the opposite after giving birth to my son with Down syndrome. But I'll keep this on mind. Rennay that’s awesome! I know this is true for autistic people I’m not 100% sure how the language is used surrounding Down syndrome, and it might be worth checking if that community has a preference  have a great day. I have her books I bought them when my son was diagnosed and now I have 2 children on the spectrum she gives me hope that one day my kids will be the rockstars I know they are and that others will see that too.

Buy it: Christmas Thanos Half of you are on my Naughty list shirt

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