Chủ Nhật, 21 tháng 10, 2018

Pooh and Piglet You are my sunshine my only sunshine you make me happy when skies are gray shirt

Carl Kibler you apparently were not one with a 401k /investor of any amount during eight years of Obama If you had you would be rejoicing since President Trump has been in office. Seeing is believing. I hope you get your sight. I did. And the Pooh and Piglet You are my sunshine my only sunshine you make me happy when skies are gray shirt Debt? Keep printing that money then make cuts to Social Security amd Medicare to pay for it when the heat gets too hot. No he didn't go visit them he gave them a raise and trying to get the vets what our government already promised them but of course didn't uphold whay they said. I'd rather my boss give me a raise and stand up for me than come visit me they understand he is a very busy man. Our society is turning stupid smdh total lack of common sense maybe it is the food and drugs our government is pumping us full of that is causing so much stupidity Idk.

Buy it: Pooh and Piglet You are my sunshine my only sunshine you make me happy when skies are gray shirt

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