Thứ Hai, 7 tháng 1, 2019

Never underestimate a woman who understands football and loves Cornhuskers shirt

Debra Powell Kimble It not about that. It’s about Americans being healthy. You think the wall will save money? Healthy Americans will save more. Also your taxes are paying for healthcare for the Never underestimate a woman who understands football and loves Cornhuskers shirt now. Bertha Caler well, to be fair, no other president has been a compulsive liar over 7k documented lies told since taking office, nor has any other president weakened us as a nation by alienating our allies & cozying up to ruthless dictators; by not having an AG, a Secretary of Defense, ambassadors. no other president has attacked our judiciary, our intelligence community, sided with dictators over our intelligence agencies, invited russian spies into the oval office without the benefit of the US press to memoralize the event but allowing russian press in, revealed the whereabouts and identities of our SEALs, asked 7 year olds on christmas eve if they still believe in santa, because that's "marginal". and that is just off the top of my head, at 5 am and no covefefe yet. Steve Imburgia For the Christian conservative, having President Trump move the American Embassy to Jerusalem is a big deal. No other president dare make that move. Freedom of religion is front and center again. We are a country who is no longer leading from behind. No more apology tours or kissing and bowing down to other leaders. The individual mandate of Obamacare is gone. Strict regulations are gone. The private sector job market numbers are good. President Trump is making a difference, some people just like to focus on the misfortunes.

Buy it: Never underestimate a woman who understands football and loves Cornhuskers shirt

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