Thứ Sáu, 14 tháng 9, 2018

Don’t mess with old people we didn’t get this age by being stupid shirt

You are right! A child will learn that it's ok to treat people they claim to love like garbage, or they will learn that is ok to let someone treat you like garbage.  I said the Don’t mess with old people we didn’t get this age by being stupid shirt thing to my mom when I was old enough to. "By you staying you're showing us kids that it's ok to stay with someone like this. How would you feel if I were dating someone that treated me this way?She definitely didn't like that but it was an eye opener for her. not this time" scares me. As though you might let him off next time. And you're expecting a next time. 100%, it's going to get worse. It's not going to get better. Good for you and for your children! I have great respect for the strength and determination it must have taken for you to leave and provide a healthy and safe home. You sound like you have an inordinately compassionate heart . . . Me, I'm not able to muster the charitable regard required in order to give abusive men the benefit of the doubt. While I encourage you to remain open-minded. I would never advocate my 100% universal distrust as a healthy approach, I would also urge you to choose carefully the contexts in which you're prepared to do so.

Buy it: Don’t mess with old people we didn’t get this age by being stupid shirt

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