Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 8, 2018

Minnesota Vikings lip shirt

Let’s see Bris baby daddy’s being their girlfriends into a convo between her and the daddy. Her mama and sister will charge at them like bulls. But if she does it, it’s not a big deal. Kailyn runs her mouth sometimes but can javi just respect the fact that she dont wanna talk on camera and feed the drama. Thats all hes looking for at this point. And brianas triflin ass can be quiet too and stay in her lane because i dont even know why she was there in the Minnesota Vikings lip shirt place butting in to their coversation about their kids. Briana needs to take a step back and figure out her own baby daddy problems cuz she has plenty. Yall...Kailyn kicked Javi to the curb and had a baby almost immediately after...He has every right to move on. Kailyn is jealous just like she was with Joe and his wife. Kai is gonna be petty towards Briana..Briana has every right to be the same. They are not discussing their kids so Briana can say whatever she wants. I bet Kai wasn't thinking about bringing Chris around her kids and bringing a child into the their kids lives so early. Wait till some of yall have crazy baby mommas in your lives.  I think If you’ve been with the father a while and he has a good relationship with his kids mom then yes you should all be able to communicate like adults but briana seems to do it just to piss kailyn off. Obviously her and javi don’t get along so why would her and Briana get along? Why should she be there when they need to have a convo. They probably haven’t been together to long for briana to have to be there.

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